Moroccan Association of Exporters

Window of the Moroccan Association of Exporters

– By virtue of the framework convention concluded in Marrakech on April 15th, 2019 between the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services in Morocco and the Moroccan Association of Exporters, referred to hereinafter as the “Framework Convention”.

-By virtue of the Statute of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services entrusted with public interest missions in order to contribute to economic development, support enterprises, achieve the representativeness of the stakes of industry, trade and services, and to foster foreign trade in Morocco.

-Given the ongoing process of expanding and strengthening the missions of the chambers of commerce, industry and services to ensure their integration in their economic and social surroundings (administrative sectors – region – local groups and public institutions).

– By virtue of the development plan of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of the Region of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima signed with the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Green and Digital Economy on March 2018 and the Chamber’s strategic program for the years 2015-2021.

-Considering the role of the Moroccan Association of Exporters as an institution specialized in export, through its experience in export, support and representation of the sectors related to export.

-The regional branch of the association was created in the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, in order to strengthen the export offer in the region and to revitalize products internationally and to support and encourage current or potential exporters in the region of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima.

Moroccan Association of Exporters


With reference to the framework agreement, the two parties are coordinating their efforts in all areas related to export activities in the region of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima, including:

Enhance the competitiveness of companies operating in the export sector in the region through accompanying and training appropriate for the region particularities.
Communicate and promote the various programs and services related to the development of exports.
Defending the national and international interests and representing the exporting companies in the region with various governmental and private bodies, whether at national, regional or international level.
Building a common platform for exporters expected to accompany them for export development.
Informing regional businesses about various issues related to the export environment.
Guiding the businesses of the region toward specialized institutions to ensure that they meet their requirements.
Creating training program suitable for the requests of the businesses of the region.
Engage specialized experts to address the various practical problems encountered by the businesses.
Determining shared demands between the actors in the region and ensuring the coordination of the parties to provide solidarity services.
Informing about the various programs and services for the exporting or importing businesses.
Facilitating access to export support programs.
Organizing promotional activities, including regional professional exhibitions.
Organizing promotional activities, including regional professional exhibitions.

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Contact us

The administrative district, the meeting point of Zankati Ibn Taymiyyah and Al-Hariri – P.O. Box: 411 Tangier – Morocco
+212 539 32.27.32 / 539 94.63.80
April 9 Street, the administrative district
76 African Unity Street
Hassan II Street No. 44

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